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Vision Services

Vision Services

The Purpose of the FUSD Schools Visually Impaired Program is to provide, in partnership with the student and family, the instruction, materials, equipment, and consultation necessary for each student to succeed in educational settings. The program promotes the student's achieving his/her maximum level of independence both socially and academically.

The mission is supported by a commitment to:

  • The team, consisting of the student, family, and teachers, shall be knowledgeable of the nature, extent, and severity of the visual impairment and provide an educational climate to accommodate individual needs.
  • View each student as their own person with unique aptitudes and abilities, enabling them to cope with future responsibilities and improve self-esteem.
  • Assist the student with visual impairments and family in setting realistic, attainable goals.
  • Assess and teach functional orientation and mobility skills in natural settings.
  • Promote community awareness by building partnerships among members of the community, parents, caregivers, educators, service agencies, business, and industry.
  • Plan systematic transitions within academic settings and to post-high school settings.
  • Assist students with social skills necessary to overcome the possible obstacles visual impairments may have in their relationships with peers and adults.
  • Provide access to curriculum and advances in technology as avenues of equal opportunity for students with visual impairments in their present and future environments.

The FUSD Vision Department is committed to meeting the needs of students who qualify for vision services based on a medical diagnosis of a visual impairment.  Students become eligible for services if the vision loss interferes with their performance in the educational environment.