Our vendor registration site is the AzPurchasing website. Please consider becoming a registered vendor by clicking the registration link below. We encourage you to look for opportunities to partner with our district. If you need additional information, don't hesitate to contact us.
FUSD is a member of AZPurchasing and all Bids will automatically go to vendors registered under the applicable commodity; however, copies of the proposal documents and any subsequent addendum (if applicable) may be obtained electronically via e-mail by contacting Jessica Millican.
Suggestions for Success:
1. A purchase order number must be on all documents. Do not deliver any orders without a purchase order number. The District will not pay for any item unless a bonafide purchase order is on file.
2. Send invoices to fusdap@fusdaz.org or by mail to FUSD, Attn: Accts. Payable, P.O. Box 2850, Florence, AZ 85132
3. All deliveries must include a packing slip with the purchase order number clearly noted. Please notify us of incomplete shipments or backorders.