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Community Resources

Housing, Utility and Food Assistance

  • The McKinney-Vento Act ensures that children and youth experiencing homelessness have the right to a free, public education—no matter their situation.

    If your family is facing housing instability, Florence Unified School District is here to help! We provide support with:

    • Immediate school enrollment
    • Transportation assistance
    • Access to meals & school supplies
    • Community resources

    Every student deserves stability, safety, and support. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact us.


    Click here for more information about McKinney-Vento services available.

    Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre los servicios de McKinney-Vento disponibles en español.


    Habitat homes are built based on a partnership between a family and the community.

    A qualifying family pays for their home with a no-interest loan and through a down payment of 200 to 400 sweat-equity hours. This model keeps the upfront costs and monthly housing payments low while giving you the opportunity to own your own home!


  • In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, renters and landlords in PinalCounty can now apply for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program(ERAP) using the online ERAP portal.


  • Offered through the Pinal County Housing Authority (PCHA) for Financial Relief.

    Are you or someone you know:

    • A resident of Pinal County?
    • At risk of experiencing homelessness?
    • Fleeing or trying to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking?
    • Having utilities shut off or receiving notices that payments are past due?
    • Receiving notices of eviction or that rent is past due?
    • At risk of foreclosing on a home?
    • Having financial difficulties related to COVID-19?

    If one or more of these questions apply to you or someone you know, it may mean qualification for thousands of dollars in financial relief.

    For more information, contact Mary Hyatt to inquire about financial relief offered through the PCHA. She can be reached directly at or at (520) 866-7206.

  • The Arizona Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education and breastfeeding support services, supplemental nutritious foods and referrals to health and social services. WIC serves pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women; infants; and children under the age of five.


  • The Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) is a temporary discount on monthly internet bills for qualifying low-income households.


    • Connect Arizona website
  • Food Bank Open 9:00am-11:00am Tuesdays & Thursdays


    • Christ The Victor Foodbank website
  • If you're facing unexpected financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we're here to help you through it. Call 877-860-6020 and select option 3 to discuss flexible payment options and assistance programs available.


  • Homeless ID Project is the only organization in Arizona with a singular focus on helping men, women, and children experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives by obtaining identification. They strive to reach all who need replacement identification services to enable them to regain their self-sufficiency, and we are committed to reducing barriers to employment, housing, and other services.


  • 211 is a vital service that connects millions of people to help every year. To get expert, caring help, simply call 211 today or visit their website and search for your local 211.


  • Receiving emergency food from a food bank, pantry, soup kitchen or shelter is just one option that may be available to you and your family.


  • As the designated Community Action Program for Pinal County, CAHRA continues to demonstrate its ability to provide services and programs that meet the changing needs of communities and individuals.


  • Helping Families Thrive By Connecting Them to Resources And Services.


  • What is Project SHARE? It's short for Service to Help Arizonans with Relief on Energy. And it provides emergency energy bill assistance to those facing severe financial hardship in partnership with The Salvation Army.


Healthcare, Counseling and Public Health Services

  • To assist and support families/caregivers of children/youth with emotional, behavioral and mental health needs, as well as assist policy makers, agencies and providers in transforming systems to ensure children/youth succeed in school, live with families in the community, avoid delinquency, and become productive adults.


  • MIKID improves the behavioral health and wellness of children and youth through a family-centered approach.


  • As we work to get through COVID-19 and support public health in Arizona, we are committed to making sure Arizonans have access to the resources they need to stay healthy and be part of our state's recovery. We’re in this together and we will return stronger.


  • VSP Global comprises five complementary businesses that combine eye care insurance, high-quality eyewear, lens and lens enhancements, ophthalmic technology, and connected experiences to strengthen the relationship between patients and their eye doctors.


  • New Eyes for the needy purchases new prescription eyeglasses through a voucher program for children and adults in the United States who cannot afford glasses on their own. New Eyes accepts, recycles and distributes donated glasses for poor people overseas.


  • The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) works with families, community organizations, advocates and state and federal partners to realize our collective vision that every child, adult, and family in Arizona will be safe and economically secure.


  • At Arizona Complete Health, our purpose is at the center of everything we do: Transforming the Health of the Community, One Person at a Time.


  • We have a partnership with Horizons Health and Wellness, therefore we have direct contacts that will improve more direct and quicker service.
    Contact: Barbara Joynes at 480-474-5547


  • La Frontera Arizona / EMPACT – Suicide Prevention Center offers comprehensive crisis and community behavioral health services to children, adults, and families. Services are provided in the home or at one of our offices located in metro Phoenix, San Tan Valley, and the City of Maricopa.

    In addition to providing direct services, EMPACT is active in our communities providing prevention programs, training, outreach, and advocacy. We partner with police, fire, schools, places of worship, legal systems, and other agencies and organizations seeking to promote safe, healthy, and resilient individuals, families, and communities.


  • Resource for numerous public health services.